Course curriculum


    1. Ultimate Rust Best Practices

    2. The Best Practices Intro

    1. 1.0 - Introduction - Formatting

    2. 1.1 - Clippy (the linter)

    3. 1.2 - Documentation

    4. 1.3 - Understanding Dependencies

    5. 1.4 - Managing Your Own Dependencies

    6. 1.5 - Checking for Vulnerabilities

    7. 1.6 - Check for Outdated Dependencies

    8. 1.7 - Denying Dependencies by Licensing

    1. 2.0 - Favor Iterators

    2. 2.1 - Minimize Cloning (we have an alternative name as well Cloning Can Be a Code Smell)

    3. 2.2 - Don’t Emulate OOP

    4. 2.3 - Favor Small Functions

    5. 2.4 - Clever Code

    6. 2.5 - Floating Point Numbers

    7. 2.6 - Platform & Feature Specific Code

    1. 3.0 - TANSTAAFL (There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch)

    2. 3.1 - YAGNI : You Ain’t Gonna Need It

    3. 3.2 - Domain Boundaries

    4. 3.3 - Taming Compile Times

    1. The Best Practices Outro

About this course

  • $39.99
  • 24 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content

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