Course curriculum

    1. Rust as a Service

    1. 1. Introduction

    1. 2.0 REST Service

    2. 2.1 Minimal HTTP Server

    3. 2.2 Understanding the Service Stack

    4. 2.3 Extractors

    5. 2.3.1 Path Extraction

    6. 2.3.2 Query Extraction

    7. 2.3.3 Header Extraction & 2.3.4 More Extractors

    8. 2.4 Add a Simple Tower Layer: State

    9. 2.5 Add a Simple Tower Layer (Mutable State)

    10. 2.6 Multiple States

    11. 2.7 Quick Recap on State and Layers

    12. 2.8 Nesting Multiple Routers

    13. 2.9 Nested Routers with State

    14. 2.10 Calling Other Services

    15. 2.11 Returning Status Codes

    16. 2.12 Using IntoResponse and 2.13 Error Handling with IntoResponse

    17. 2.14 Quick Recap on Nesting, Making Calls and Responses

    18. 2.15 Serving Static Content with Tower

    19. 2.16 Simple Header-Based Authentication

    20. 2.17 Simple Header-Based Auth with Middleware

    21. 2.18 Middleware Auth with Injection

    22. 2.19 Selectively Applying Layers

    23. 2.20 Router Layers

    24. 2.21 Layer Recap


    1. 3.0 Tracing

    2. 3.1 Minimal Example

    3. 3.2 Logging Axum/Tower

    4. 3.3 Timing Spans

    5. 3.4 Axum Spans

    6. 3.5 Logging to a File

    7. 3.6 Structured Logging to JSON

    8. 3.7 OpenTelemetry & 3.7.1 Hello Telemetry

    1. 4.0 OpenAPI Documentation

    1. 5.0 Handling Service Configuration

    2. 5.1 Environment Variables with .env

    3. 5.2 The Config Crate

    4. 5.3 Loading Config via HTTP

    5. 5.4 CLI configuration with Clap

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  • 68 lessons
  • 6 hours of video content

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